Benefits For Pharmacies
TotalLocum is a leading pharmacy locum recruitment agency dealing with the recruitment of pharmacy locums into temporary placements and permanent pharmacy jobs in community pharmacy across the UK.
TotalLocum covers the entire UK ensuring we are well placed to find you suitable locums and deal with all major chains including Superdrug pharmacy, Tesco pharmacy, Well pharmacy, Rowlands pharmacy, Day Lewis pharmacy, Lloyds pharmacy, Asda pharmacy, Morrisons pharmacy, Boots pharmacy and many independents.
This is why we are a leading locum pharmacy recruitment agency for locum pharmacists.
Supplying locum pharmacists who prior to their placement with the pharmacy have been provided with detailed information on the pharmacy procedures, pharmacy computer system and store details to ensure they are able to provide a professional locum service and the client receives value for money. Additionally, regular newsletters will allow us to highlight important developments in pharmacy as well as any issues you as our client would like included to assist the locums in your stores.
Efficient, prompt and cost-effective location of suitable locums for the client's requirements. Thus ensuring the client receives the locum they deserve, at the right time and with minimum of expense.
Providing locum pharmacists with an unrivalled myriad of support as well as additional financial/taxation services, rewards program and value services will ensure in return for continuing to benefit from the TotalLocum approach the locums continuously strive to provide the exceptional level of service to our clients that we demand.
In the event of the locum pharmacist not fulfilling the client's expectations ensuring that the client has access to a suitable procedure to constructively communicate this information to TotalLocum.
Recruitment Services:
Permanent pharmacy jobs can be automatically sent to all locum pharmacists in the area, as well as a more detailed list can be sent to those locums who have expressed an interest in employment within that area irrespective of their current location.
TotalLocum's use of technology to augment and streamline our operating procedures, co-ordinating the availability of locum pharmacists with the needs of the pharmacies, means we have the time and resources available to ensure we provide the total package of support.
The online E-Diary contains details of all the locum pharmacists work preferences including how much they will work for, whom they will work for, where they will work and obviously, when they want to work. This is then automatically compared against the similar requirements of the pharmacies within seconds of the details being added so the locum knows they are getting the job they want and the pharmacy gets the locum they need. The locum pharmacist is alerted via email, text messaging (so you do not have to log onto your E-Diary all the time) and by an alteration to the E-Diary and once both parties have accepted, the booking becomes confirmed, which automatically updates the E-diary. Locums can instantly accept work by replying to the email or the text message.
All of this is managed by the LocumDiary system making it so simple and ensuring mistakes and double bookings are a thing of the past. No longer can there be any disputes over the details of a booking as everyone has the agreed day of work, hours, rate of pay etc.
You know that TotalLocum has acted upon your request immediately - no more waiting around for the locum agency to get back to you. 24hours a day, 7 days a week we are working for you. Locum pharmacists can rest assured that they are not being sent miles from home when more suitable work is available locally. You stay in control at all times.
All you do is keep your personal E-Diary up to date with requests and preferences. You can change your preferences for a particular week or day and view all your bookings on one simple system.
TotalLocum will provide access to unique services for the locum pharmacist* that will make agency work easier and more rewarding benefiting both the locum and pharmacy including:
- Information on the stores including directions, computer guides, and business level and support staff.
- Access to monthly accounting spreadsheets to vastly simplify completion of the yearly Tax Return including help sheets to inform them of the tax benefits available as a locum pharmacist.
- Information regarding permanent pharmacy jobs throughout the country.
* subject to terms and conditions.